Exchange rules

This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) describes the terms and conditions on the basis of which the services of the ExBase exchange service are provided and is an official written public offer addressed to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the User) to conclude an Agreement on the provision of services by the ExBase service on the terms set out below.

Before using the services of the ExBase service, the User is obliged to familiarize himself in full with the terms of the "Agreement on the provision of services by the ExBase service". The use of ExBase services is possible only if the User accepts all the terms of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is available for public access on the ExBase website.

1. Definition of terms

1.1. The following terms are used in this Agreement:

1.1.1. ExBase Service (Service) is a system for providing Internet services for the exchange, sale and purchase of cryptocurrencies.

1.1.2. The website of the Service —

1.1.3. User — any natural or legal person using the services of the ExBase Service and who has accepted the Agreement in accordance with its terms.

1.1.4. Partner — a person who provides the Service with services to attract Users, the terms of which are described in this Agreement.

1.1.5. Payment system is a software product created by a third party, which is a mechanism for the implementation of accounting for monetary (cryptocurrency) and/or other obligations, payment for goods and services on the Internet, as well as the organization of mutual settlements between users. The main payment systems under this Agreement are: Ethereum, Bitcoin, BTC-E, Exmo and others. The exact list of Payment systems is indicated on the Service's website.

1.1.6. The customer of the payment system is a person who has concluded an agreement with the relevant payment system for the acquisition of property rights of claim to it, measured in conventional units accepted in the relevant payment system.

1.1.7. Cryptocurrency is a monetary and/or other obligation between the developer of this currency and its user, expressed digitally.

1.1.8. Payment/Operation — transfer of electronic and/or other currency from the payer to the recipient.

1.1.9. Application is an expression of the User's intention to use one of the services offered by the ExBase Service by filling out an electronic form via the Service's website, on the terms described in the Agreement and specified in the parameters of this Application.

1.1.10. Card verification is the verification of the card (or account) belonging to its owner. The conditions for checking the affiliation are set by the Service, made at a time for each new account (card) of the client.

1.1.11. Source currency is an electronic currency that the User wants to sell or exchange.

1.1.12. Source account — the wallet number or any other designation of the User's account in the Payment System from which the Source Currency was sent.

1.1.13. The received currency is the electronic currency that the User receives as a result of the sale or exchange of the Original Currency.

1.1.14. Recipient's Account — the wallet number or any other designation of the User's account in the Payment System to which the Received currency will be sent.

1.1.15. Currency reserve — the amount of a certain Electronic Currency available to the ExBase Service at the time of the Application creation.

1.1.16. Currency exchange — the exchange of the electronic currency of one payment system for the electronic currency of another payment system.

1.1.17. Exchange rate — the value ratio of two electronic currencies when they are exchanged.

1.1.18. Reserves of electronic currencies — the amounts of Electronic currencies or funds available to the Service for performing services. The amounts of reserves are indicated on the Service's website on the main page.

2. The subject of the Agreement and the procedure for its entry into force

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision of the following services to the User by the ExBase Service:
2.1.1. Electronic currency exchange;
2.1.2. Sale of electronic currency to the User;
2.1.3. Purchase of electronic currency from the User.

2.2. Acceptance (acceptance of the terms) of this Agreement (Offer) is made by the User in the case of:
2.2.1. Sending an Application for one of the services offered by the Service;
2.2.2. Registration on the Service's website.

2.3. When submitting an Application, the acceptance of a public offer is recognized as the User performing actions to complete the formation of the Application, confirming his intention to make a transaction with the Service on the terms proposed by the Service. The date and time of acceptance, as well as the parameters of the application conditions are recorded by the Service automatically at the time of completion of the application. This Agreement comes into force at the time of receipt of electronic currency or funds from the User to the details of the Service in the amount provided for by the Application parameters.

2.4. In case of registration on the website of the Service, this Agreement comes into effect at the moment of putting a check mark before the words "I agree to the terms of the offer" and clicking the "Register" button.

2.5. The term of the agreement is established indefinitely until the termination of the agreement on the initiative of one of the parties on the terms specified below.

3. Services and the procedure for their provision

3.1. General procedure for the provision of services by the Service:
3.1.1. The order of services by the ExBase Service is carried out by the User by sending an Application through the Service's website.
3.1.2. Management of the exchange process or receipt of information about the progress of the service by the User is carried out using the appropriate user interface located on the Service's website.
3.1.3. The ExBase Service executes Applications on an irrevocable basis in accordance with the operating conditions of the respective Payment systems. Special conditions for working with some Payment systems are listed below.
3.1.4. The ExBase Service is not responsible for the actions of the Payment System to its Client. The rights and obligations of the payment system and its Client are governed by the terms of service of the respective Payment Systems.
3.1.5. By using the services of the ExBase Service, the User confirms that he legally owns and disposes of the funds and electronic currency involved in the corresponding Payment.
3.1.6. The User undertakes to independently calculate and pay all taxes required in accordance with the tax legislation of the User's location.
3.1.7 All exchanges from 10,000 rubles are processed only if the User has "Premium" access.

3.2. Cryptocurrency Exchange Service
3.2.1. By making an Application, the User instructs, and the ExBase Service, on its own behalf and at the User's expense, performs actions to exchange the Cryptocurrency of one Payment System (Source Currency) for the Electronic currency of another Payment System (Received currency) selected by the User.
3.2.2. The User undertakes to transfer (transfer) The original currency, in the amount specified in the Application, and the ExBase Service, after receiving the corresponding Electronic currency, undertakes to transfer (transfer) The received currency calculated at the Exchange Rate and in accordance with the Service rates.
3.2.3. The amount of remuneration of the ExBase Service is reflected in the Application and confirmed by the User on one of the pages of the user interface when making an Application.
3.2.4. The obligation of the ExBase Service to transfer (transfer) The User is deemed to have executed the Electronic Currency at the time of debiting the Electronic Currency in the corresponding Payment system from the account of the ExBase Service, which is recorded in the transaction history of the corresponding Payment system.

3.3. Service for selling Cryptocurrency to the User
3.3.1. By making an Application, the User instructs, and the ExBase Service, on its own behalf and at the User's expense, performs actions to acquire and transfer Cryptocurrencies to the User.
3.3.2. The amount of remuneration of the ExBase Service for these actions is reflected in the Application and confirmed by the User on one of the pages of the user interface.
3.3.3. Within 48 hours from the moment of receiving the Cryptocurrency from the User, in the amount specified in the relevant Application, the ExBase Service is obliged to transfer (transfer) The received Cryptocurrency in the amount specified by the User in the Application, except for the situations described in paragraph 6.2.
3.3.4. The ExBase Service has the right to cancel an application for the purchase of Electronic Currency created by the User, if payment for such an application has not been received to the service's settlement account after 20 minutes from the moment of creation of such an application. The ExBase service has the right to cancel the transfer of electronic currency to the user without explaining the reason.
3.3.5. The obligation of the ExBase Service to transfer (transfer) The received currency is considered executed by the User at the time of debiting the Electronic Currency in the corresponding Payment system from the account of the ExBase Service, which is recorded in the history of operations of the corresponding Payment system.

3.4. Cryptocurrency purchase service from the User
3.4.1. By making an Application, the User instructs, and the ExBase Service, on its own behalf and at the User's expense, buys Cryptocurrency from the User, and also performs actions to transfer Cryptocurrency to the User in the amount specified in the Application.
3.4.2. The amount of remuneration of the ExBase Service for these actions is reflected in the Application and confirmed by the User on one of the pages of the user interface.
3.4.3. The obligation of the ExBase Service to transfer the monetary equivalent of the transferred Cryptocurrency is considered fulfilled at the time of debiting the corresponding amount from the account of the ExBase Service.

4. Additional terms of service

4.1. In case of non-receipt of Electronic Currency from the User to the ExBase Service within 20 minutes from the moment of making the Request, the Service has the right to cancel such an Application during manual processing of incoming payments, and within 2 hours during automatic processing. The electronic currency received after the above deadline is not subject to refund to the payer.

4.2. In case of receipt of Electronic Currency from the User to the ExBase Service in an amount different from that specified in the Application, the Service has the right to consider this as an order from the User to recalculate the application according to the amount of Electronic currency actually received. If the amount of the received Electronic Currency differs from the one declared by the User by more than 10%, the Service may unilaterally cancel the Application.

4.3. If the ExBase Service does not fulfill the conditions for sending Electronic Currency on the Application within 48 hours from the date of sending the Application, the User has the right to demand an explanation of the reason. An increase in the term for transferring Cryptocurrencies or funds may be caused by the conditions for processing applications of individual Payment systems, in which case the Service is not responsible and no refund is made.

4.4. The Cryptocurrency exchange rate is fixed by the System for no more than 18 minutes from the moment of the Application. If the User has made a payment after 18 minutes, the System automatically updates the course and blocks the possibility of creating an application. In case of blocking the creation of an application, it is necessary to create a new application at the current rate, skipping the payment point, and also contact the technical support of the ExBase Service. In the case of Bank payments, the exchange rate is always updated.

4.5. Special conditions of some Payment systems:
- Bank payments are processed by the Service within 48 hours, if necessary, the Service may require Verification of the client's card(account);
- PerfectMoney may delay transfers for more than 24 hours; — If the Bitcoin Application is completed, a refund is not possible;
- If the amount of Bitcoin sent is less than 0.0010 BTC, the money will not be refunded
- BTC-e: If the amount received does not fit into the limits/reserves of the Service, a new coupon will be created minus the minimum commission of the Service;
- YandexMoney: There is a delay of 48 hours for the first payment from an Unregistered/Unverified User. - Bank transfers in the direction of Visa/Mastercard RUB in most cases are credited instantly, but in some cases may take up to 5 banking days.

5. Cost of services

5.1. The cost of ExBase services is set by the Service management and published on the Service's website.

5.2. The ExBase Service has the right to independently change the exchange rates of Cryptocurrencies and the fees charged at any time unilaterally, which notifies the Service Users by pre-posting information about these changes on the Service's website.

5.3. In the Application created by the User on the Service's website, the Exchange Rate, the amount of the commission charged by the relevant Payment system for conducting the Operation, the amount of the Service's remuneration, the method of Exchange, as well as the total amount of the transferred Cryptocurrency are indicated.

5.4. The ExBase service charges the cost of its remuneration at the time of the relevant Operation.

5.5. The Service offers the following reward system (only for registered Users). Find out the status of your discount, and increase the percentage of remuneration when contacting technical support! Learn more about the conditions for receiving a discount on the exchange:
- 5% - for exchange from 0 to 1000 $
- 10% - from $ 1000 to $ 10,000
- 15% - from 10,000 and above
The percentage of remuneration is calculated from the profit of the Service for each available exchange direction, for some exchange directions the service commission may be 0%, it may be less than 0% (that is, there is no commission) or the Service does not benefit from the exchange, so the Service does not have a profit from this exchange, in these situations, no remuneration is accrued.

6. Responsibility of the Parties

6.1. The ExBase service provides any data only at the request of the Belize City Court (Belize).

6.2. The ExBase Service is not responsible for malfunctions, errors and failures in the operation of software and/or hardware that ensure the functioning of the ExBase Service services that have arisen for reasons beyond the control of the ExBase Service, as well as related losses and lost profits of the User.

6.3. The ExBase service provides services only for the exchange, purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies. ExBase does not accept payments in favor of any third parties in any way, and also prohibits transfers to wallets that do not belong to the User. ExBase does not enter into any partnerships, does not enter into any contracts with recipients of payments for its goods or services.

6.4. The ExBase service is not responsible for losses and lost profits of the User.

6.5. The User is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him when filling out the Application. If the User has not specified or incorrectly specified personal data or payment data, the ExBase Service is not responsible for the User's losses incurred as a result of the error.

6.6. The user guarantees that he is not involved in:
— money laundering operations;
- receiving income from drug trafficking;
- receiving income from criminal and/or terrorist activities;
- income from trade with countries with which trade is prohibited by international organizations;
- income from any other illegal activity.

6.7. In case of delayed receipt or non-receipt of funds due to the fault of the Payment System or the Bank, the Service does not bear any responsibility for possible damage caused to the User. The User agrees that in this case any claims are made by him to the Payment System or the bank, and the Service, in turn, provides assistance to the User within its capabilities.

6.8. In case of detection of falsification of communication flows or any negative impact on the normal operation of the program code of the Service, which is directly or indirectly related to the User's Application, the execution of the Application by the Service is suspended.

6.9. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, if such was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the entry into force of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events that could not have been foreseen and prevented by reasonable measures.

6.10. In other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the laws of Belize City (Belize), taking into account the terms of the Agreement.

7. Other conditions

7.1. It is prohibited to use the ExBase Service for fraudulent and illegal transactions.

7.2. The Administration of the ExBase Service reserves the right to provide or not provide information about payments to law enforcement and other authorities in accordance with the legislation of BelizeCity(Belize).

7.3. At the request of the Service Administration, the User undertakes to provide identity documents, as well as other information related to payments.

7.4. The User undertakes not to disrupt the operation of the ExBase Service by interfering with its software or hardware, as well as by distorting the parameters transmitted to the Service.

7.5. The ExBase service, in case of suspicious actions during the application process by the User, in order to avoid damage from hacker attacks, has the right to suspend the execution of such operations until the reasons for these actions are clarified.

7.6. The ExBase Service has the right to refuse to perform the operation of exchanging, buying and selling electronic currencies if the transfer of Electronic currency to the Service account was made without making an Application using user interfaces on the Service's Website. The electronic currency transferred to the corresponding accounts of the Service, without making an Application using the user interfaces on the Service's Website, can be returned to the User upon request, taking into account the deduction of the payment system commission.

7.7. The Administration of the Service has the absolute right to refuse to provide services to any client, without explanation.

8. Final provisions

8.1. The Parties have concluded this Agreement in electronic form and recognize it as equivalent in legal force to the agreement concluded in writing.

8.2. The ExBase Service has the right to unilaterally amend the Agreements by publishing changes on the System's Website. The amendments come into force from the moment of publication, unless another date for the entry into force of the amendments is additionally determined at the time of their publication.

8.3. The ExBase service has the right to send the User information about the status of the exchange process, as well as other information, including advertising, to the e-mail specified by him.

8.4. All disputes and disagreements that have arisen or may arise from this Agreement are subject to settlement through negotiations on the basis of a written application from the User. Any of the Parties has the right to apply for dispute resolution to the Belize City Court (Belize)

The information on the website, including graphic images, text information, program codes, etc., is the property of the ExBase website and is protected by copyright laws. Every case of unauthorized copying (in whole or in part) may be prosecuted within the framework of the current legislation. The User confirms that he has read all the provisions of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them, otherwise the User has no right to use the ExBase Service.